
Thoroughly penetrating the paper, witnessing the spirit of the times, and shouldering the mission of the times - On Mr. Lang Baizhong, an outstanding contemporary political calligrapher in China

于 波

Yu Bo

凝睿智于笔墨  彰显大师风范

Condensing wisdom and showcasing the style of a master through brushwork and ink

 笔中风骨, 一瞥惊鸿。中国当代著名书法家郎百忠先生以主题鲜明、立意新颖、风格各异,或雄浑壮丽、或意境深远、或温文典雅、或豪放洒脱的书法作品,书写盛世风采。郎百忠先生的一系列书法力作,是用心用情用功、认真思考精心创作的成果展示。静观这些书法创作,笔法行云流水,书态大气磅礴,笔势飞扬流动。楷书中有行书之笔意,行书中又融合草书之韵味,其书法遒劲,柔中有刚、刚柔相济,堪称文学修养与书法知识完美结合的成功之作。这些书法作品既根植于传统也紧随时代,既有宽度也有高度,传承创新,风格各异,熠熠生辉,精彩纷呈。每一幅书法作品体现出对新时代的无限憧憬,更是彰显了时代精神与作者的人文品格,表现了作者深厚的文化修养与宏阔的审美理想。郎百忠先生的书法境界,已经将人生的涵咏汇聚成对自然、社会和生命的思考,幻化成笔下的文字,泄性情于毫端,凝睿智于笔墨。

In my pen, I have a strong character, and at a glance, I am amazed. Mr. Lang Baizhong, a renowned contemporary Chinese calligrapher, writes about the splendor of a prosperous era through his distinctive themes, innovative ideas, perse styles, and works that are either majestic and magnificent, profound in artistic conception, gentle and elegant, or bold and unrestrained. Mr. Lang Baizhong's series of calligraphy masterpieces are a display of the results of careful and thoughtful creation, with dedication and dedication. Watching these calligraphy creations, the brushstrokes flow smoothly, the calligraphy style is grand and majestic, and the brushstrokes are flying and flowing. In regular script, there is the brushwork of running script, while in running script, there is a fusion of the charm of cursive script. Its calligraphy is vigorous, with a combination of firmness and softness in softness, making it a successful combination of literary cultivation and calligraphy knowledge. These calligraphy works are rooted in both tradition and keeping up with the times, with both width and height. They are inherited and innovated, with different styles, shining brilliantly and showcasing brilliance. Each calligraphy work reflects an infinite longing for the new era, and also highlights the spirit of the times and the author's humanistic character, demonstrating the author's profound cultural cultivation and broad aesthetic ideals. Mr. Lang Baizhong's calligraphy realm has converged the essence of life into reflections on nature, society, and life, transforming it into words in his writing, venting his emotions at the tip, and condensing his wisdom in his writing.


As an outstanding political calligrapher, Mr. Lang Baizhong has a profound foundation in calligraphy, is proficient in various calligraphy styles, and has mastered superb brushstroke techniques and unique artistic styles. He is not only proficient in calligraphy skills, but also has rich cultural heritage and profound cultivation in literature, history, philosophy, etc., which makes his calligraphy works have profound connotations. His works have a unique artistic style and high artistic value. His works have a high influence in society, and are widely collected and appreciated, having a profound impact on the development of calligraphy. Mr. Lang Baizhong is a master calligrapher who embodies his skills, culture, style, attitude, and influence, making him a inheritor and innovator of calligraphy art.

 现在让我们领略一下这位伟大的书法家风采。 郎百忠,男,1960年出生,党员,北京人,法学博士,政治书法家,演说家,现任上合组织能源集团董事长,中国法学会会员,中国政法大学刑诉学院研究员,廉政中心副主任,中国书画宝库书画艺委会主席,中国集邮协会副主席,中国大众文化学会书画艺术专业委员会副主任。现为《国家一级书法师》,其书法作品具有国际价值,国宝级的礼品或臻品,被知名机构和专家评为国内每平方尺人民币20万元,位于国内书法作品最高价值行列,深受国际国内的欢迎。他是“国字体”书法创始人,作品入录《中国书画宝库》,是中国新生代、实力派书法家,是开拓中国艺术书法新篇章的领军人物。其作品多次发表于《红旗文摘》《中华儿女》《人民代表报》《人民政协报》等杂志媒介。他的墨宝被新华社《中华人民共和国年鉴》收录,十几幅作品在纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年中,被中国邮政、中国国际集邮网制作成纪念邮票和明信片,传播至全世界。郎百忠先生在全国书画春晚联欢会上评选为“十大杰出书法家”第一名,获得全国书画评选第一名的殊荣,荣获春节晚会书法作品一等奖。可谓名副其实,当之无愧。

Now let's take a look at the charm of this great calligrapher. Lang Baizhong, male, born in 1960, is a Party member, Beijing native, with a Doctor of Law, a political calligrapher and speaker. He is currently the Chairman of the Energy Group of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a member of the China Law Society, a researcher at the School of Criminal Procedure of the China University of Political Science and Law, deputy director of the Anti Corruption Center, chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Treasure House, vice chairman of the China Philatelic Association, and deputy director of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee of the Chinese Popular Culture Society. He is currently a National First Class Calligrapher, and his calligraphy works have international value. He is a national treasure level gift or masterpiece, and has been rated as RMB 200000 per square foot in China by well-known institutions and experts. He is among the highest value calligraphy works in China and is highly welcomed both internationally and domestically. He is the founder of "Guofeng" calligraphy and his works are included in the "Treasure of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting". He is a new generation and powerful calligrapher in China, and a leading figure in exploring a new chapter of Chinese art calligraphy. His works have been published multiple times in magazines such as Red Flag Digest, Children of China, People's Representative Daily, and People's Political Consultative Conference Daily. His calligraphy was included in the "Yearbook of the People's Republic of China" by Xinhua News Agency. Over a dozen works were made into commemorative stamps and postcards by China Post and China International Philatelic Network in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War, and spread worldwide. Mr. Lang Baizhong was selected as the first place among the "Top Ten Outstanding Calligraphers" at the National Calligraphy and Painting Spring Festival Gala, and won the first prize in the national calligraphy and painting selection. He also won the first prize in calligraphy works at the Spring Festival Gala. It is truly worthy of the name and deserves it.


As a famous contemporary calligrapher in our country, Mr. Lang Baizhong has always praised the new era with his brush and brush, immersed himself in thick ink to write magnificent chapters of the new journey, and consciously served as a propagandist and practitioner of the great spirit of the Party. His calligraphy works, with distinct themes, innovative ideas, and perse styles, are either majestic and magnificent, profound in artistic conception, gentle and elegant, or bold and free spirited, depicting the splendor of a prosperous era. With full enthusiasm, he promotes the main melody, fully embodying the spirit of a contemporary calligrapher who upholds integrity, innovation, confidence, and self-improvement. As a speaker, Mr. Lang Baizhong not only has outstanding language expression ability and witty words, but also can always move the audience with precise and vivid vocabulary. At the same time, his words are sharp, his viewpoints are unique, and he can deeply analyze problems, allowing people to have a clearer understanding of things. His speech is full of passion and infectiousness, which can evoke emotional resonance among the audience, inspire and inspire them deeply, and move their hearts with sincere emotions and sincere attitude. He is also a Doctor of Law, serving as a researcher at the School of Criminal Procedure and Deputy Director of the Anti Corruption Center at China University of Political Science and Law. He shoulders the heavy burden of morality and has been pursuing justice for the judiciary.

紧扣时代脉搏   弘扬正大气象

Keeping up with the pulse of the times and promoting a positive atmosphere


Recently, the reporter interviewed Mr. Lang Baizhong, a contemporary outstanding political calligrapher who is both virtuous and talented, has both artistic and cultural cultivation, and is willing to dedicate his life to the national economic revitalization and the Chinese national Renaissance, at the Jinma Industrial Park in Shunyi District, Beijing.


Salute to the new era and express new glory. Mr. Lang Baizhong is such a calligrapher - he has a pure heart, has been sailing in the sea of art for decades, and is passionate about the red theme, closely following the pulse of the times and gathering the essence of the times. His series of calligraphy works have an elegant style and a grand scale, reflecting a style that integrates ideological, artistic, and educational elements, making us feel a clean and honest atmosphere, a majestic spirit, and the beauty of art.


This year's Calligraphy and Painting Spring Festival Gala showcased the artistic life of contemporary calligrapher Mr. Lang Baizhong, who showcased his genuine emotions with ink. The aim was to promote his artistic charm in inheriting Chinese culture and reflect the outstanding contributions and brilliant achievements made by contemporary calligraphers to the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture. At the same time, it also makes us feel that as artists, we must keep up with the times, possess the spirit of both morality and talent, artistic and cultural cultivation, and be willing to contribute, in order to contribute ideas, spirit, and good works to the rejuvenation of Chinese culture and art, and promote the prosperity and innovation of the literary world. Especially the several calligraphy works of Mr. Lang Baizhong that were showcased on site, with heavy brushstrokes, vivid charm, and full of positive energy. The beauty of books such as "Qinyuan Spring: Snow", "Yu Meiren", and "Zhengdao Renhe" lies in their strict balance and awe inspiring beauty. Observing his calligraphy works, the strokes are thick and vigorous, with a strong and elegant flavor in the smooth strokes. The strokes are thick and elegant. The appropriately sized layout in each book creates a seamless overall structure, giving people a sense of exhilaration.


Mao Zedong was a great revolutionary and also the most revolutionary Romantic poet of contemporary times. His poetry spans ancient and modern times, with a magnificent momentum, and is deeply loved by people. Mao Zedong's creation of "Spring in Qinyuan: Snow" integrates scenery, discussion, and lyricism in one furnace, with a magnificent artistic conception, grand momentum, unrestrained emotions, and a broad mind, which can well represent the bold and unrestrained style of Mao Zedong's poetry. To truly understand this poem, it is not only necessary to solidly learn cultural knowledge, understand the creative background, and understand the characteristics of Chairman Mao's calligraphy, but also to understand Chairman Mao's thoughts and ideas at that time. Only in this way can we have a deeper understanding of this poem. Every study by Mr. Lang Baizhong is a harvest and a spiritual baptism. Every time he thoroughly reads Chairman Mao's poem, he is full of passion and strength. In order to blend the wonderful calligraphy temperament with the magnificent artistic conception of the lyrics, and achieve a perfect unity, his strokes are profound and dignified, and his brushstrokes are vigorous and free spirited. The work is written in a banner, flowing with enthusiasm and grandeur, making people have a broad mind and full of vitality. The golden ink painting "Spring in Qinyuan, Snow" paved with bright red rice paper is freely scattered in Mr. Lang Baizhong's pen, with a structure shaped according to the situation, vast and thick, majestic and unrestrained, and extraordinary momentum. The use of ink throughout the article is meticulous, with more variations in the brushstrokes, exuding a powerful aura between the lines. Not only does it allow viewers to appreciate the magnificent snow scenery of the North, spanning millions of miles, with a grand and grand atmosphere, but also in the jumping of the words and pearls, the brushstrokes plummet for thousands of miles, feeling the mountains and rivers of the North, unrestrained emotions, broad mindedness, and love for the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland in the heart of Mr. Lang Baizhong's creation of this article, with boundless passion!


Mr. Lang Baizhong's gold ink calligraphy work "Qinyuan Spring Snow", which is paved with red rice paper, has been made into a 6.16-meter titanium inlaid Chinese red, making it the only precious long scroll calligraphy work both internationally and domestically, with a market value of 20 million yuan, making it a national treasure. This work has its own national style, flowing with clouds and flowing water, majestic and passionate, and full of energy spanning mountains and rivers. Once launched at the Spring Festival Gala jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Chinese Calligraphers Association, it immediately stunned the entire audience. "Qin Yuan Chun Xue" has become the subject of countless calligraphy works, not only because it is the work of Chairman Mao, but also because the momentum of swallowing the sky and spitting out the earth contained in this poem has impressed countless calligraphers. By writing Mao Zedong's poems, Mr. Lang Baizhong deeply felt the arduous revolutionary process of the CPC and respected the bravery of countless Communists. Tasting Mao Zedong's poetry brings him strong emotional resonance, and also enables Mr. Lang Baizhong to better understand the combination of traditional Chinese culture and modern art, further improving his aesthetic cultivation. It is precisely under this kind of genuine entry that his golden ink calligraphy work "Spring in Qinyuan · Snow" with a bright red background expresses admiration for Chairman Mao's poem. The strokes are profound and dignified, the strokes are vigorous and free spirited, and the characters are broad, broad, broad, and thick. It can be said that the charm is smooth, with infinite charm. It is strong, vigorous, and full of vitality, deeply expressing Mao Zedong's emotional journey, great personality, and brilliant thoughts.


Today's calligraphy has become perse in form and technologically advanced, but it lacks humanistic heritage and ideological soul, and can only be a superficial form. In Mr. Lang Baizhong's view, it is more important to polish the humanistic spirit that belongs to contemporary people, to match one's personal charm with academic cultivation, and to match one's academic cultivation with calligraphy skills. Only then can calligraphy write a magnificent chapter in the continuation, inheritance, and development of the times. Mr. Lang Baizhong's golden ink calligraphy work "Qinyuan Spring Snow" has reached a considerable height, spreading the charm of calligraphy to the world and promoting the positive atmosphere of the new era.   His extraordinary skills and unique style make him a leader in the modern calligraphy art world. The unique calligraphy style it showcases has won recognition from calligraphers both domestically and internationally, and many of its works have been collected by party and state leaders as well as international friends.

感佩崇高情怀  不负时代使命

Appreciate the noble sentiments and fulfill the mission of the times


 为了更深的理解习近平总书记的治国理念、对中华文化传承发展重大理论和现实问题的新要求,郎百忠先生不仅潜心翰墨,还先后研读组织编写了习近平中国式现代化党的建设体系、理论体系、治国体系、管理体系、习近平讲话金句等八部著作,对中国式现代化新时代起着长远方向地引领作用。在深刻领会“人民至上论”,自觉坚持以人民为中心的发展思想 编写中,他深深地理解、由衷地敬佩习近平总书记“我将无我,不负人民”的崇高情怀,深切感受到习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是为民造福的科学理论。

 在郎百忠先生思想深处总是将个人的命运、企业的命运与国家的命运紧密相扣。因此,在政治理论和实践上,他能够充分理解习近平总书记的治国理念。当他挥毫书写了以“不忘初心 牢记使命”为主题的书法作品,紧贴“党风正,国家强”主题,营造出弘扬党风正气,歌颂祖国强盛的浓厚的社会氛围。满怀激情创作出了“心在人民”“不忘初心继续前进”“从严治党”、“依法治国”、“正大光明”、“正道人和”、“知行合一”、“干在实处走在前列”、“功崇惟志业广为勤”等作品,既具有高度的政治思想,又具备强烈的艺术色彩。

In Mr. Lang Baizhong's deep thoughts, he always closely links the fate of inpiduals, enterprises, and the fate of the country.   When he wrote calligraphy works with the theme of "never forget the original intention and always remember the mission", closely following the theme of "positive party conduct and strong country", he created a strong social atmosphere to promote the positive party conduct and praise the strength of the motherland. Full of passion, he has created works such as "Heart in the People", "Never Forget Our Original Aspiration to Continue Moving Forward", "Strictly Governing the Party", "Rule of Law", "Righteous and Bright", "Harmony of the Way and People", "Unity of Knowledge and Action", "Leading the Way in Practical Action", and "Respecting Merit and Striving for Diligence". These works not only have a high level of political ideology, but also have a strong artistic color.


Mr. Lang Baizhong enthusiastically praises the great prosperity and development of the new era, giving the Chinese people warning and reflection, and appreciating them. Promoting righteousness, boosting morale, and revitalizing spirit and spirit highly reflect the artist's unwavering dedication to serving the people, society, politics, the country, and the Party.   His work on "governing the country by law" was distributed. Calligraphy works such as "Qinyuan Spring · Snow", "Yu Meiren", "Harmony of righteous people", "Unity of knowledge and action", "Integrity and brightness", "Leading the way in practical work", "Respecting meritorious deeds but having broad aspirations and diligence", and "Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver" have been published multiple times in party newspapers and magazines such as "Qiushi", "Red Flag Digest", "Children of China", "National People's Congress Representative Newspaper", "People's Political Consultative Conference Newspaper", and "Yearbook of the People's Republic of China" Has attracted widespread attention in well-known media.


  It answered several important questions in the theory and practice of Chinese path to modernization with 10 topics, which is a masterpiece that profoundly reveals the scientific connotation of Chinese path to modernization.       He answered many important theoretical and practical questions concerning Chinese path to modernization thoroughly and clearly, and really achieved "face to face" with readers.  

发挥书法功能  致力灵魂提升

Give full play to the function of calligraphy and strive for soul enhancement


Mr. Lang Baizhong deeply realized that during times of national prosperity, the people's customs are flourishing, the country is not old, the cause is always new, the Party's blessings carry blessings, the spring brings good luck, and the people will return to it. This is the great governance of China. For this reason, Lang Baizhong has carefully created a batch of excellent works with both artistic and ideological qualities, aiming to create a good atmosphere of loving the motherland, loving the people, and loving the nation, and forming a new era of national unity and cohesion.


Mr. Lang Baizhong's sincere artistic life is aimed at promoting the artistic charm of inheriting Chinese culture, reflecting the outstanding contributions and brilliant achievements made by contemporary calligraphers to the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture. At the same time, it also makes us feel that as artists, we must keep up with the times, possess the spirit of both morality and talent, artistic and cultural cultivation, and be willing to contribute, in order to contribute ideas, spirit, and good works to the rejuvenation of Chinese culture and art, and promote the prosperity and innovation of the literary world. For calligrapher Lang Baizhong, he bears the responsibility of promoting calligraphy, popularizing calligraphy, and educating calligraphy. He firmly stated that he should carry forward the past and open up the future in the new era, bravely stand at the forefront, and continue to shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era.


Book is the carrier of painting, and painting is the emotional expression of book. It is the unity of material and spirit, and is the historical inheritance of China's intangible culture, unique to China. It is a pictographic character derived from various objects and landscapes. Chinese characters have played a role in the up and down development of Chinese culture for 5000 years. The beauty of world harmony, regional beauty, cultural beauty, and the beauty that humanity yearns for, expressed through calligraphy and painting, is an indispensable and powerful driving force for promoting social progress Mr. Lang Baizhong said with deep affection.


Adhering to this philosophy, he devoted himself for decades to studying the calligraphy works and theories of famous calligraphers throughout history in the creative kingdom of calligraphy art; After decades of painstaking calligraphy, he first learned from Zhong You from Wang Xizhi, Zhang Xu, Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian, etc., and also posted posts by Yan Zhenqing, Su Shi, and famous scholars, integrating the essence of ancient and modern masters to create "national font" calligraphy; He uses books as a medium, connects his thoughts with heaven and earth, learns from ancient and modern times, communicates with the sages, and converses with the sages, allowing his calligraphy works to freely walk between simplicity, grandeur, and elegance, achieving a strong character through his capital letters. Its unique calligraphy art style has been recognized by calligraphers both domestically and internationally.


A good artist should keep up with the times and present the aesthetic tastes, emotions, and joys of modern people through their own experiences and unique artistic language, so that everyone can resonate and future generations can feel the spirit of our era through these works. This is the mission that an artist must accomplish. Mr. Lang Baizhong constantly observes the lives, destinies, and emotions of the people, expressing their wishes, emotions, and voices. He created calligraphy works such as "The Four Seas of Prosperity", "Father's Love Like a Mountain", "Frugality to Nurture Virtue", "Never Forget Our Original Aspiration, Always Remember Our Mission", "Long live the Motherland", "Nurturing the Integrity of Heaven and Earth, Perfecting People from Ancient and Modern Times", "Tranquility to Cultivate the Mind", "Harmony of the Righteous Way", "Pillar of the Middle Way", "Broad Vision", "Indifferent Ambition to the People", "Serving the People", "Spring Blossom and Autumn Fructuality", "Endless Tragedy in the East", "Wind Leads Traces", ", The writing style of the characters is consistent, with a broad and broad structure, strong and powerful bones, and a relaxed and lively spirit. The brushstrokes are ancient and simple, and the method is rigorous. From each piece of work, we can appreciate the accumulation of energy, the fullness of the harvest, the heaviness without stagnation, the dignified yet dynamic, the balanced structure of the characters, the smooth and appropriate changes, the steady and soothing rhythm, the dense and harmonious atmosphere, which cannot be achieved by non Confucians. The above-mentioned calligraphy works are completed in one go, flowing like flowing water, full of vigor and vitality, possessing the serene, delicate, beautiful, and spiritual qualities of calligraphy. From the aspects of brushstrokes, ink use, layout, and composition, they all demonstrate Mr. Lang Baizhong's solid calligraphy skills, natural ink techniques, and skilled techniques, giving people a sense of familiarity and weightiness, which is pleasing to the eye. The beauty of this faith and the sublime beauty can enlighten thoughts, warm the soul, cultivate life, and baptize the souls of the people.


The measurement of an artist's achievements should not only be limited to their work itself, but should also be comprehensively evaluated from various aspects such as their life history, the historical background of their work creation, the spiritual connotations contained in their work, and the positive impact they have on the art world and social audience. Because the spiritual connotation contained in the work can be transformed into spiritual power at critical moments, especially when it is closely related to the fate of the nation and the country, it is more important and prominent. Mr. Lang Baizhong has a strong sense of realism and romanticism. His calligraphy is a reflection and innovation of life that has been accumulated over time. Through his political and business experiences, his calligraphy and painting works have achieved the goal of uniting the people, uniting them to pursue a better life, using the beauty of calligraphy and painting to inspire people's inner desire and pursuit of beauty, serving social harmony, economic and social development, and contributing to national development. As a speaker of the new era, Mr. Lang Baizhong stands at the forefront of the times, awakening his sleeping soul with his voice and illuminating the dark corners with his wisdom. He not only possesses superb eloquence, but also profound connotations. He is proficient in psychology and knows how to establish connections with his audience; He studies philosophy and deeply understands the development laws of human society; He pays attention to people's livelihoods and wholeheartedly strives for their well-being. He is the transmitter of ideas, the burner of passion, and the executor of dreams.


It is the contemporary responsibility and sacred mission of calligraphers to give full play to the function of calligraphy in recording words and history, and to grasp the right direction, find the right positioning, inherit and carry forward the great spirit of building the Party, in the grand historical process of the Party's unity and leading the people of the whole country to embark on a new path of catching up with the exam and aspire to the great cause of the Chinese nation. Mr. Lang Baizhong's series of calligraphy works reflect the calligrapher's writing style, artistic cultivation, and humanistic significance, which is a direct reflection of the calligrapher's inner world and spirit.

郎百忠先生的书法风格追求信仰,致力于人格完善和灵魂提升,主要表现为遒美劲健、流畅自然。在每一幅书法作品中,其线条如行云流水,自然流畅,具有很强的韵律感。其笔势跌宕起伏,富有变化,时而舒缓流畅,时而急促有力,给人以强烈的节奏感,由此达到“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺”的审美人生境界。 从传神到妙悟,郎百忠先生的书法作品通过高度的韵律、节奏、秩序,理性地显示着深层的生命、力和激情,更使其具有很高的艺术价值和文化价值。新时代、中国梦,书法情、民族魂。郎百忠先生是一位有思想,有抱负,有追求担当,善有作为的当代杰出的书法家。他用灵动的笔墨讴歌新时代党领导人民拼搏奋进的丰功伟业,展现了中华书法艺术的感染力和生命力!

Mr. Lang Baizhong's calligraphy style pursues faith, is committed to personality improvement and soul enhancement, mainly manifested as graceful, vigorous, smooth and natural. In every calligraphy work, its lines are like flowing clouds and flowing water, natural and smooth, with a strong sense of rhythm. Its brushstrokes are full of ups and downs, full of changes, sometimes soothing and smooth, sometimes urgent and powerful, giving people a strong sense of rhythm, thus achieving the aesthetic realm of "aspiring to the Tao, based on virtue, based on benevolence, and wandering in art" in life. From lifelike to mystical, Mr. Lang Baizhong's calligraphy works rationally display deep life, power, and passion through a high degree of rhythm, rhythm, and order, making them of high artistic and cultural value. The new era, the Chinese Dream, calligraphy sentiment, and national soul. Mr. Lang Baizhong is an outstanding contemporary calligrapher with ideas, aspirations, pursuit of responsibility, and good deeds. He praises the great achievements of the Party's leadership and the people's hard work and progress in the new era with his agile pen and ink, showcasing the infectiousness and vitality of Chinese calligraphy art!

标题:力透纸背见风骨 不负时代担使命——记中国当代杰出的政治书法家郎百忠先生
